Témoignages de nos élèves assidus aux cours d’anglais

Témoignages de nos élèves assidus   A l'issue des premiers cours d'anglais proposés par  le comité de jumelage, les élèves de Maëlle ont souhaité partager leur expérience en cette fin d'année.  En résumé : assiduité et convivialité pour bien progresser. … Lire la suite

Discovery Wednesdays in Guidel

Posté dans : bénévolat, News in English 0
Discovery Wednesdays in Guidel : an initiative from the town hall As part of the Territorial Educational Project Guidel Town Hall have organized “Discovery Wednesdays”. They set up these interactions for primary schoolchildren. Guidel Carrigaline Twinning committee has been contacted and … Lire la suite

Volunteer in Guidel

Volunteer for St Patrick’s Day Nadine shares her experience. My first volunteering experience during St Patrick’s Day happened behind the scenes of the Guidel-Carrigaline twinning committee. In fact, the association celebrated the St Patrick’s Day last Friday (March 22nd). It … Lire la suite

From Carrigaline to Guidel

Travelling from Carrigaline to Guidel, our irish friends came and visit us. From the 21st till the 26th of May, around twenty people involved in the life of the twinning came and met their friends from Guidel. A lot of … Lire la suite